1. Covid-19 and the Future of Muslim Societies
  2. Value-Oriented Islamic Finance Practice
  3. The Roles of Corporate Governance Towards Value-Oriented Islamic Finance Practices
  4. Student Union A New Narrative of Student Activism
  5. The Parallelism Between Democracy and Islam
  6. Salient Features of the Malaysian Financial Services Act 2013
  7. Navigating the New Islamic Finance Landscape in Malaysia
  8. Regulatory Reform In Islamic Finance In Malaysia
  9. New Takaful Framework under the Islamic Financial Services Act 2013
  10. Kritikan Kewangan Islam:Apa yang Perlu Diketahui
  11. Maslahah in Stakeholder Management for Islamic Financial Institutions
  12. An Analysis of the Courts’ Decisions on Islamic Finance Disputes, ISRA International Journal of Islamic Finance, 3 (2): 41-71
  13. A survey of Shari’ah Governance Practices in Malaysia, GCC Countries and the UK
  14. Executive Summary: Sharīʿah Governance in Islamic Financial Institutions in Malaysia, GCC Countries and the UK
  15. An Islamic Perspective on Governance. Review of Islamic Economics, 14 (1), 207-209
  16. Regulatory Framework of Shari’ah Governance in Malaysia, GCC Countries and the UK, Kyoto Bulletin of Islamic Area Studies (2010 March, Vol. 3 No.2)
  17. Shari’ah and Legal Issues in Al-Bay’ Bithaman Ajil in the Case of of Arab-Malaysian Finance Bhd V Taman Ihsan Jaya Sdn Bhd & Ors [2008] 5 MLJ
  18. A Shariah Perspective on The “Letter of Offer” As Practised By the Islamic Financial Institutions: A comparative Study With the Malaysian Law of Contract
  19. Hak-hak wanita Islam dalam Kes Mungkir Janji untuk Berkahwin di Malaysia: Kajian Perbandingan antara Undang-undang Sivil dan Syariah, (2005) Jurnal Hukum
  20. Harmonisation of Shariah and Common Law in The Implementation Of Islamic Banking In Malaysia
  21. Role of the Islamic Financial Institution in Combating Money Laundering: Legal and Shariah Perspectives
  22. The Legal Thought Of Madhhab Syafi’i in the Implementation of Islamic Banking in Malaysia. Jurnal Undang-undang IKIM. Julai 2006. IKIM
  23. Shariah Governance in the Islamic Financial Institutions in Malaysia. (2006). Journal of Management and Muamalah International Islamic University of Selangor.
  24. Kedudukan Murtad Menurut Perspektif Undang-undang Malaysia
  25. Uqud in Financial Services for Entrepreneurship
  26. Perlaksanaan Sistem Perbankan Islam Di Malaysia: Perspektif Undang-undang
  27. Explanatory Note on Anti Money Laundering (Amendment) Act 2005
  28. The Effectiveness of the Administration of Waqf Land In Malaysia” (2007) 3 Shariah Law Reports, Lexis Nexis
  29. The Weaknesses of the Hague Rules and To What Extent the Reforms Made by the Hague-Visby Rules (2007) Malayan Law Journal
  30. Corporate Governance From Western And Islamic Perspectives
  31. Competition Law and Policy from Islamic Perspective
  32. Sulh dan Perlaksanaannya di Mahkamah Syariah
  33. Ethical Principles of Lawyers in Islam
  34. Sharia governance in Islamic financial institutions and the effect of the Central Bank of Malaysia Act 2009, J.I.B.L.R. 2010, 25(3), 105-108
  35. The Challenges of Globalization to Muslims Youth
  36. New Insight on Agency Theory in IFIs: A Reappraisal
  37. Corporate Governance in Islamic Financial Institutions: An Ethical Perspective
  38. Reassessing the Implementation of Islamic Finance
  39. Sejarah Undang-undang Keterangan Islam di Malaysia
  40. Yusuf al Qaradhawi, Mujaddid Kontemporari dan Sumbangan Pemikirannya
  41. Fiqh Demokrasi dan PRU13
  42. Characteristics of Money from Fiqhi Perspective
  43. Public Prosecutor v Dato’ Seri Anwar Ibrahim
  44. Purifying Your Wealth Bringing Barakah to Our Life
  45. Konsep Negara Madani Menurut Rashid al Ghannoushi
  46. Maqasid al Syariah-Oriented Approach in Government Administration
  47. Riba, Ekonomi, Sistem Kewangan Global dan Kewangan Islam
  48. Maqasid Index
  49. muktamar-kij2-visi-masa-depan-prospek-generasi-muda-2
  50. Tuduhan Liwat Dalam Kes Qazaf Di Mahkamah Syariah
  51. Islamic Revivalism in the 21st Century
  52. Gerakan dan Halatuju Politik Gerakan Islam
  53. Intellectual Revolution
  54. Maqasid al Shariah
  55. Islam Hadhari dan Kewangan Islam Perspektif Undang-undang
  56. Shariah Governance in GCC Countries
  57. Kedudukan Anak Tak Sah Taraf Menurut Perspektif Undang-undang
  58. From Legalism Towards Value-Oriented Islamic Finance Practice
  59. Analisa Kes Anak Tak Sah Taraf di Mahkamah Syariah dan Mahkamah Sivil
  60. Kedudukan Mazhab Menurut Perspektif Undang-undang
  61. Towards Establishing Badan Peguam Syarie Malaysia
  62. Akta Profesion Guaman Syarie 2019
  63. al-Taayush dan al-Muwatanah Pendekatan Manhaj Maliziy
  64. From Legalism Towards Value-Based Intermediation: Affin Islamic Bank Berhad
  65. Emerging Areas of Islamic Economic
  66. Konsep Negara Madani Menurut Rashi Al-Ghannoushi
  67. Hududisme Antara Retorik dan Realiti