McKinsey Quarterly Top Ten Articles of 2010

Anti-Islamic Finance Movement
December 28, 2010
Malaysia still reviewing mega Islamic bank bid
January 2, 2011
Anti-Islamic Finance Movement
December 28, 2010
Malaysia still reviewing mega Islamic bank bid
January 2, 2011
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McKinsey Quarterly Top Ten Articles of 2010

McKinsey Quarterly Top Ten Articles of 2010

by McKinsey Quarterly Available at:

We’ve rounded up the most popular articles among readers this year. Topics they were most interested in include decision-making biases, digital marketing, and management in uncertain times.


Global forces: An introduction

Five crucibles of change will restructure the world economy for the foreseeable future. Companies that understand them will stand the best chance of shaping it. A related video highlights the value of tracking global forces and how to build them into corporate strategy.


Clouds, big data, and smart assets: Ten tech-enabled business trends to watch

Advancing technologies and their swift adoption are upending traditional business models. Senior executives need to think strategically about how to prepare their organizations for the challenging new environment. In a set of accompanying podcasts, leading experts offer their views on how these trends will evolve and change business models.


A new way to measure word-of-mouth marketing

Assessing its impact as well as its volume will help companies take better advantage of buzz. An accompanying podcast focuses on how marketers can use word of mouth to influence consumer behavior.


The case for behavioral strategy

Left unchecked, subconscious biases will undermine strategic decision making. Learn how to counter them and improve corporate performance, and explore an accompanying interactive showing the biases most pertinent to business and the ways they can combine to create dysfunctional patterns in corporate cultures.

Plus, take this brief survey on how you make decisions, and we’ll send you feedback on how your decision-making style compares with those of other respondents and on how to avoid any biases you may be prone to.


Why good bosses tune in to their people

Know how to project power, counsels Stanford management professor Bob Sutton, since those you lead need to believe you have it for it to be effective. And to lock in your team’s loyalty, boldly defend their backs.


How centered leaders achieve extraordinary results

Executives can thrive at work and in life by adopting a leadership model that revolves around finding their strengths and connecting with others.


Creating value: An interactive tutorial

In this video presentation, McKinsey partner Tim Koller explores the four guiding principles of corporate finance that all executives can use to home in on value creation when they make strategic decisions.


Retaining key employees in times of change

Many companies throw financial incentives at senior executives and star performers during times of change. There is a better and less costly solution.


Unlocking the elusive potential of social networks

To realize the marketing potential of virtual activities, you have to make them truly useful for consumers.


Boosting the productivity of knowledge workers

The key is identifying and addressing the barriers workers face in their daily interactions. 

Best Regards

  • Amsterdam

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