My selected publications consist of all my academic writings in the form of books,chapters and articles in book, conference proceedings, working papers and articles in magazine and newspaper.
- Pendekatan Dakwah USF Menerusi Persuratan Kebudayaan
- Roles of Indonesia-Malaysia in Promoting Peace and Security
- SIyasah Syariyyah Konsep Ummah Menurut Perspektif Sahifah Madinah
- Yusuf al-Qaradawi’s Thought and His Contribution To Sahwah Islamiyah
- Maqasid al-Shariah Menurut Siddiq Fadhil
- Growing up with Books
- Roles of Sports in Facing the Pandemic from Higher Education Perspective
- Islam in the West and Muslim in the East
- Facing the Crisis and Challenges with Cosmopolitan Mind
- The Future of Islamic Finance
- Membina Generasi Kelas Dunia Madrasah Idrisiah
- Commentaries On The Draft Of Islamic Finance Undergraduate Programme
- Reflection on the Young Muslim Intellectuals in South East Asia Programme
- Does Islamic Islamic Financial Institutions Need to Pay Zakat?
- Islamic law of Inherintance in Malaysia
- The Position of Al-Quran As a Source of Law under the Malaysian Legal System
- Optimising Uqud In Financial Services: A Case Study of The SME Bank.
- Ahmad Ibrahim, Sumbangan dan Pemikirannya Dalam Perlaksanaan Sistem Perbankan Islam di Malaysia
- Undang-Undang Produk Halal Di Malaysia: Isu Penguatkuasaan Dan Pendakwaan
- A Challenge of Globalization to Muslims Youth
- Metod Ibnu Al-Arabi dalam Kitab Tafsir “Ahkam Al-Quran” dan Hubungannya DenMuslim Intellectual Forumgan Metod Pentafsir Masa Kini
- The Future of Islamic FinancMemberdaya OKU
- The Investment Of Waqf Land As An Instrument Of Muslims’ Economic Development In Malaysi
- Corporate Governance Of Islamic Financial InstitutionsMemberdaya OKU
- An Overview of the Islamic Law of Property in MalaysiaMemberdaya OKUMemberdaya OKU
- Zakat Instrumen Penyumbang Pembentukan UsahawanMemberdaya OKU
- The Effectiveness of the Legal Framework of Islamic Banking System in Malaysia
- Stakeholders Model of Governance in Islamic Economic System: Revisit
- Akauntabiliti Akademia
- Commentaries on the IFSB Exposure Draft Guiding Principles on Shari’ah Governance System
- Adult in Higher Education
- Interview With Hawkamah, the Institute for Corporate Governance, Dubai International Financial Centre, United Arab Emirates
- Risk Management and Corporate Governance in Islamic Financial Institutions
- Islam and Malay under the Constitution
- Shari’ah Governance and the Effect of the Central Bank of Malaysia Act 2009
- Questions and Answers on the BBA Financing Facilities in Malaysia
- Miracle of Ramadhan (Ramadhan Article Edition)
- Zakat: The Most Neglected Obligation
- Tenth Malaysia Plan from Regulatory Perpesctive
- Malaysian Courts System
- Surah Yusuf verse 43-49, Tenth Malaysia Plan and “Buku Jingga”
- Dinar and Dirham: Strength and Practicalit
- Kewangan Islam Sebagai Medan Dakwa
- Tazkiah al Mal Melalui Kewangan Islam
- Antara Belanjawan Negara dan Belanjawan Alternatif 20
- Shariah Criminal Offence (Hudud and Qisas) Enactment (State of Terengganu): Its Impact on People of Terengganu with Special Reference to the Federal Constitution
- Refining the Misconception of Apostasy in Islam
- Menelusuri Literatur Sirah Nabi Muhammad Sallallahualaihiwasallam
- Benefiting the Social Media for the Sake of Da’wa
- Tentangan Pelaksanaan Syariah di Malaysia: Antara Kefahaman dan Tohmahan
- Ke Mana Arah Tuju Kewangan Isalm
- Quest for Meaning in Hijaz
- Yusuf Al Qaradhawi As a Public Intellectual
- Characteristics of Money from Fiqhi Perspective
- Sovereign Debt
- Medical Negligence from Shariah and Legal Perspectives
- Innovation and Creativity in Infaq or Giving in the Way of Allah
- Window dressing and Scholars Wannabes
- Peranan Kewangan Islam Dalam Industri Halal
- Kronologi Pengiktirafan Program Sarjana Muda Syariah dan Undang-undang
- Memaknai Kehidupan Sebagai Penuntut Ilmu
- Visiting Research Scholar Fulbright Experienc
- FAQ Hudud
- Pasca Islamisme Gerakan Islam
- Realiti Generasi Muda
- I have a Dream
- Kebangkitan Islam Jilid Dua
- summary-of-pp-v-dsai
- Interfaith Dailogue ABIM
- Islam Di Barat Muslim di Timur
- The Future of Jobs
- Masa Depan Strategik Kebangkitan Islam
- Does Islamic Bank Need to Pay Zakat?
- Islamic Financial Products and Services: Personal Reflection
- Anwar Ibrahim the Inspired Leader that Inspires the Youth
- Kedudukan Mazhab Menurut Perspektif Undang-undang pdf
- Ke Arah Penubuhan Badan Peguam Syarie Malaysia
- Towards Malaysian Common Law Through Harmonisation
- The Roles of Institutions of Higher Learning in Promoting Global Peace
- Economic, Social and Cultural Rights as Part of Human Rights
- Maqasid al-Shari’ah and Islamic Finance
- Future Scenario and Alternative Future Scenario
- Great Leaders are Readers
- Ijtihad Politik PRU14
- Kompendium Maqasid al-Shariah
- Naratif Baru Pasca PRU14
- Dilema Segelintir Agamawan
- Hala Tuju Pendidikan
- Pemikiran Abdallah Bin Bayyah dan Deklarasi Marrakesh
- Muslim Intellectual Forum
- al Taayush al Muwatanah Pendekatan Manhaj Maliziy
- Sustainable Development Goals from Islamic Perspective
- How We Are Responding to Pandemic: Student Development and Community Engagement’s Perspective
- Fiqh al-Taayush
- Covid-19 and Future Scenarios of the Islamic Movement
- Post Covid-19 World
- The Concept of al-Tasamuh
- Education and 4th Industrial Revolution
- Student Development and Community Engagement Framework
- Revisiting Credited Co-curriculum Courses
- Naratif Baharu Aktvisisme Mahasiswa
- Agenda Pemberdayaan OKU
- Taayush-Muwatanah
- Roles of Sport in Advancing Sustainable Development Goals from Higher Education Perspective
- Youth Foresight: Post Covid-19 World
- Fulbright Experience
- Community Engagement Post Covid-19 World
- Strategising and Configuring IIUM Roadmap 2021-2022
- About Zulkifli Hasan