SEJARAH UNDANG-UNDANG KETERANGAN ISLAM DI MALAYSIA Zulkifli Hasan Abstrak Undang-undang keterangan Islam yang diamalkan di Malaysia telah mengalami proses evolusi, pengaruh negara luar, penyesuaian dengan adat […]
Germany could get first Islamic Bank David Crossland available at: Bank Kuveyt Türk, based in Instanbul, plans to set up the first Islamic bank in […]
Behind the Goldman Sachs sukuk debate WRITTEN BY ISMAIL BARREH When Goldman Sachs announced last October that it planned to issue an Islamic bond, debate […]
ETHICS AND CORPORATE GOVERNANCE IN ISLAMIC FINANCE Zulkifli Hasan Contrary to the ideal assumption that Islamic finance is about belief, Shari’ah and ethics, it is observed […]
BUKU ’KEBANGKITAN RAKYAT” MENGANGKAT YUSUF AL QARADHAWI SEBAGAI ‘ULAMA RAKYAT’ Pendahuluan Di dalam dunia kontemporari ini diiringi dengan gelombang kebangkitan Islam di seluruh dunia, membaca karya-karya […]
Mecca for the rich: Islam’s holiest site ‘turning into Vegas’ Historic and culturally important landmarks are being destroyed to make way for luxury hotels and malls, […]
THE MIRACLE OF RAMADHAN AND FASTING Introduction Ramadhan is the greatest month and the best time for self-regulation and self-training. There are numerous benefits to those […]
RAMADHAN MEDAN ISLAH AL NAFS (REFORMASI DIRI) Pendahuluan Pada 1961, Presiden Habib Burguiba mengejutkan seluruh rakyat Tunisia apabila mengiystiharkan larangan berpuasa di bulan Ramadhan bagi semua […]
Shari’ah Governance in Islamic Banks Publisher: Edinburgh University Press Available at: An in-depth and insightful study of Shari’ah governance from a theoretical and practical perspective […]