Al-Baraka Islamic Economics Symposium – Nadwa, is a Shari’a, Banking and Economics forum which represents a corner stone of developing the Islamic Economics for the banking […]
PROFESOR DR MOHD KAMAL HASAN ILMUWAN MURABBI ULUNG Mula mengenali Professor Mohd Kamal Hasan semasa menuntut di Madrasah Idrisiah. Ketika itu, sebagai anak muda dan penuntut […]
Conference onFinancial Environment for Refugees and Immigrant Communities: Islamic Finance in Action2nd – 3rd March 2023organised and hosted byAl-Maktoum College of Higher EducationDundee, Scotland
Universities in the Islamic World VS Universities in the Western World History shows slavery helped build many US and UK universities. Eg. Yale, Harvard, Georgetown, Columbia, […]
Assalamualaikum wbt, Dear YB Datuk Seri Mohamed Khaled Nordin, CREATING A NEW NARRATIVE OF STUDENT DEVELOPMENT IN HIGHER EDUCATION 1.0 Higher education sector is going through […]
Konsep Ummah Sahifah Madinah • Ummah Aqidiyyah Fasal 1 kaum muslim dan mukmin dari kalangan Quraisy dan Yatsrib dan serta orang yang mengikuti dan berjuang bersama, […]
MENCIPTA MALAYSIA BAHARU PASCA 19 NOVEMBER 2022 Seluruh Malaysia kelihatan meriah dengan kempen dan poster pilihanraya oleh parti politik. PRU15 pastinya menimbulkan persoalan mengenai formula terbaik […]