Salam, My recent article published in the International Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Finance and Management ” (2014) Volume 7 Issue 1 entitled “In search […]
BETWEEN BANKER’S WINDOW DRESSING AND INVASION OF SCHOLAR WANNABES Zulkifli Hasan Shari’ah scholars in Islamic finance are frequently put in a dilemma position. They have been […]
Salam and happy new year, Dear my weblog readers, I am delighted to share with you my recent article entitled ‘An Analysis of the Courts’ Decisions […]
Assalamualaikum, Dear readers, I am very delighted to share with you my recent article in the Global Islamic Finance Magazine (GIFM) July Issue pp66-67. The GIFM […]
Assalamualaikum, Dear Readers, Alhamdulillah and I am very grateful to share with you my recent article entitled “Regulatory Framework of Shari’ah Governance System in Malaysia, GCC […]
Assalamualaikum, Dear Readers, I am very grateful to share with you my recent article pertaining to agency theory in Islamic financial institutions. In view of the […]
Assalamualaikum, Dear Readers, I am very grateful to share with you my recent article on the recent legal development pertaining to Islamic finance in Malaysia entitled […]
Assalamualaikum, Dear Readers, Another brief article in “Utusan Malaysia”. Click here: Would Islamic Finance Prevent Another Financial Crisis? “What we know about the global financial crisis […]
Assalamualaikum, Dear Readers, My brief article in “Utusan Malaysia”. Click here: Islamic finance in the World University Enjoy reading! Best Regards ZULKIFLI HASAN MILAN, ITALY Duomo, […]