Interview With Dr. Mohamad Daud Bakar, a renowned Shari’ah Scholar

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Interview With Dr. Mohamad Daud Bakar, a renowned Shari’ah Scholar

Dr. Mohd Daud Bakar

Dr. Mohd Daud Bakar is currently the Managing Director of Amanie Islamic Finance Learning Centre (DIFC Incorporated) Dubai. He received his first degree in Shari’ah from University of Kuwait (1988), PhD from University of St. Andrews, United Kingdom (1993) and external Bachelor of Jurisprudence at University of Malaya (2002). He has published more than 30 articles in various academic journals and presented more than 200 papers in various conferences both local and abroad. He is now Chairman of the Shari’ah Advisory Council at the Central Bank of Malaysia, member of the Shari’ah Advisory Council at the Securities Commission of Malaysia, (Malaysia), Accounting and Auditing Organization for Islamic Financial Institutions (AAOIFI) (Bahrain), Dow Jones Islamic Market Index (New York), Unicorn Investment Bank (Bahrain), Financial Guidance (USA), BNP Paribas (Bahrain), Bank of London and Middle East (London), Islamic Bank of Asia (Singapore), Noor Islamic Bank (Dubai), Morgan Stanley (Dubai), Dubai Bank (Dubai) and in other financial institutions both local and abroad. He has been involved in advising Islamic funds and Islamic Sukuk both local and globally. In 2005 he has been awarded the Islamic Banker Award of 2005 by the Association of Islamic Banking Institutions Malaysia

Best Regards

  • 060420095111
  • With Dr. Mohamad Daud Bakar, at his office, Amanie Islamic Finance Learning Centre, No.44, Level 41, Emirates Towers, Sheikh Zayed Road, P.O. Box, 31303, Dubai, UAE.


    1. hnyhar says:

      semoga dapat jadi sepertinya..amiin.

    2. Syamsulfaiz says:

      Cepat betul update.

      As a Malaysian I am really proud of his work. Moreover he used to be my lecturer in IIUM.
      I pray someday you will be in a same rank with him. Help the Ummah bro !

    3. Kamaruzzaman says:


      saya sedang mencari tarikh dan tempat lahir Dr.Mohd Daud Bakar. sehubungan itu, saya memohon kepada tuan sekiranya maklumat tersebut ada didalam simpanan tuan. saya amat hargai kerjasama yang tuan berikan dan saya dahului dengan ucapan terima kasih.

      • ZULKIFLI HASAN says:

        Salam bro, You may email to Mr Makhtar COO of Amanie Solution Sdn Bhd. He is now with Dr. Mohd Daud at Dubai. Email address:

        Warm Regards

    4. Nurbek says:

      Salam brother,

      I am impressed with info you have provided online. Keep in touch.

      Kind regards

    5. Nadimah Mohd Khir says:

      salam bro
      thanks for the update.
      I am proud too as Dr is the most successful person from our primary school.
      May Allah bless him always and more success.

    6. Siti Adila says:

      salam bro
      Tahniah kerana sudah sampai ke tahap yang sangat cemerlang. Dan terima kasih kerana ibu Dr yang membuat saya celik Al Quran. May Allah always bless you and your family.

    7. Prof Dr noor inayah yaakub says:


      may I know the mobile number of dr daud. tq

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