The Roles of Institutions of Higher Learning in Promoting Global Peace

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The Roles of Institutions of Higher Learning in Promoting Global Peace


31st January 2018, Universiti Malaya

The Roles of Institutions of Higher Learning in Promoting Global Peace

Assalamualaikum wbt, peace be upon you.

Honourable speakers, distinguished guests, participants, ladies and gentlemen, brothers and sisters,

Ladies and gentlemen,


First and foremost, I would like to express my deepest gratitude and heartfelt appreciation to the organiser for giving me this great opportunity to share my insights and reflections at this Malaysia Peace Forum. It is my great pleasure with deep satisfaction to deliver this speech highlighting my personal reflections on the roles of institutions of higher learning in promoting global peace.


Allow me to begin my speech by mentioning that the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War (DPCW) is a worthy endeavour to consolidate and stabilize peaceful relations in the world. DPCW can be one of the crucial international instruments to promote peace and to prevent conflicts in the future. In line with the last Article of the declaration, Article 10 DPCW that dedicated to the aim of spreading a culture of peace, the Article invites all stakeholders to engage in the active promotion of a lasting culture of peace, based on education, pluralism, freedom of the press, and participation in general. In this regard, institutions of higher learning can play significant roles in promoting this global peace through education with DPCW as the one of the main references.


Ladies and gentlemen,


Despite the various international legal instruments and treaties entered by countries, new issues emerge ranging from the interpretation of the instruments, loopholes and the need of new treatises. The issues are also complex, including conflicts by minorities, self-determination, international and non-international armed conflicts, race over natural resources, nuclear war, territorial delimitation and terrorism. There is a need to collectively address these concerns, to do what we can in the academic fraternity and to promote global peace and to correct the misperception.


The Malaysia Peace Forum is undeniably a good platform to pool resources for peace initiatives. It is an effort to attract global peace experts and researchers including activist and general public to work within a common interest in promoting international peace and conflict resolution. I always believe that it is timely for us to involve actively in international and conflict resolution.


Malaysia is highly regarded as a country that promotes peace and moderation, maintains peaceful relation. It is also projecting itself as a leading example of tolerant and progressive nation. The strategic partnership with various organisation for peace initiative would symbolize unity to instil awareness on international peace and to provide significant impact on the academic prosperity in the area. This could be achieved by attracting researchers and peace activists to work together and to encourage dialogues, exchange of ideas and outreach programmes.

Ladies and gentlemen,


It is important to mention here that Institutions of higher learning stand at the apex of the education system as a place for the pursuit and dissemination of knowledge, skills, attitudes and values. Therefore, the institutions of higher learning can play significant roles in promoting global peace and conflict resolution within the DPCW and other international instruments framework and these include:


  • To provide platform for global peace experts and scholars from various countries and academic backgrounds to contribute ideas and research outcomes which will promote peace.
  • To provide avenues for inculcating cultural understanding and social integration among the multi-racial communities through various programs such as inter-faith dialogue.
  • To allow a multi-disciplinary approach in addressing issues relating to global peace and conflict resolution.
  • To provide opportunities for academics, professionals and research students who are interested in the area of global peace.
  • The institutions of higher learning should also disseminate the information in the form of web for referral in the area of global peace, international law and conflict resolution. It will include on-line lectures and database of international experts on conflict resolution.
  • The institutions of higher learning should initiate global collaborations in the form of research, global teaching staff, non-governmental organisations, relevant government departments, international organisations, universities and the public.


Ladies and Gentleman,


No peace among the nations without peace among the religions. No peace among the religions without dialogue between the religions. No dialogue between the religions without investigation of the foundation of the religions.” (Hans Kung). The institutions of higher learning therefore need to play their significant roles to pro-actively lead and initiate more dialogues. This can be done in the form of interfaith dialogue, civilisational dialogue, peace summit, World Leaders Forum including outreach programme. Outreach Programmes also can be in various forms including roadshows, voluntary programmes, on-line lectures and advertisements for public awareness.

Ladies and gentleman,

I think, that’s all I got to say within this time limitation.


Before I end my speech, once again, I would like to express my sincere gratitude and thanks to the organisers HWPL and IWPG and everyone for your commitment and endeavour to the realization of today’s important event. My greatest appreciation also goes to all presenters, moderators, guests and participants. Without you all, the Malaysia Peace Forum would not have been possible.


May Allah bless you all and thank you very much.

Wa Billahi Tawfiq wal Hidayah Was Salamu’alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh.

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