Humanising Higher Education
While numerous institutions are now talking about artificial intelligence, university without campus, data analytic, disruptive technology, massive online courses, distance degrees, Yale-NUS College is offering different educational approach. They bring sciences, humanities and social sciences together. All students regardless of degree programmes must take liberal art subjects for 3 semesters such as literature and the humanities, philosophy, political thought, quantitative reasoning, comparative social inquiry, history, social thought, scientific inquiry including eastern and western philosophy. All students must stay in campus for all four years of their college life. Through dining experience in campus, they will have frequent opportunities to interact with professors and staff as well as visiting speakers and leaders.
The above reminds me of a book by Scott Hartley “the Fuzzy and the Techie: Why Liberal Arts Will Rule the Digital World”. The central idea of this book is to create awareness and promote liberal arts education as part of mainstream education for all including in the area of science, technology, engineering and mathematics.
“The future of education is about balanced education”